Taiwan Tourism’s Year of Cycling

Taiwan Tourism’s Year of Cycling
2021 is the ‘Year of Cycling’ in Taiwan, celebrating the incredible cycling routes and spectacular scenery which can be explored on two wheels. With over 70 per cent of the island covered in mountains, Taiwan is home to an amazing network of cycleways, purpose-built by the government to provide safe, car-free routes that take visitors to the destination to the heart of the countryside and through mountainous routes. As a small island, it is easy to explore the entire country by bike in a single trip and travelling on two wheels also means travellers can explore the beautiful island in an eco-friendly way. Whether tackling the entire island, or just pick from a few shorter routes along the way, cyclists are guaranteed a plethora of amazing wildlife, culture and beautiful scenery en route.

Taiwan is home to nine beautiful national parks, each of which have an incredible selection of cycling routes, from Taroko National Park, named after the Truku aboriginal tribe and home to the impressive Taroko Gorge, to the Dongsha Atoll Marine National Park, which boasts a beautiful white sand landscape formed of coral and shell.

Those wishing to explore Taiwan’s mountains and national parks have plenty of cycling routes to guide them. For a gentle meander, travellers can embark on the Zhuilu Old Road (Taroko) & Hehuan Mountain route, which is the cultural area in Taroko National Park. More experienced cyclists can venture on the Nenggao Cross-Ridge Historical Trail, which runs east-west over the main ridge of the Central Mountain Range, between the Cilai and Nenggao mountains. Energetic travellers wanting to challenge themselves on two wheels can do so on the Jade Mountain & Alishan route, Jiaming Lake & Taitung Chishang route or Syue Mountain & Wuling route.

Check out some of Taiwan’s incredible cycling scenery here.